為了真正滿足戰鬥時的需求,K8100為玩家配備了強大的四大武器:直覺式按鍵配重、無衝突20顆齊發防鬼鍵、電容式觸碰音量控制和GHOST™ 巨集隨行引擎。擁有這四大武裝裝備,玩家將可輕鬆取得勝利的桂冠。
● 長按最右側與最左側感應器,音量會線性增加
● 觸控區位置設計,方便左手控制,右手仍可精準
USB 2.0 介面最高傳輸率高達480M bps
鍍金 USB接頭
Aivia, an integrated acronymic word, is derived from its key features – advanced, intuitive, and versatile interface archetype. The series is to emphasize the combination of the subconscious, design and function as well as the pursuit of archetype.
GIGABYTE believes each mouse and keyboard are the scrupulous work of mankind’s brainpower. Aivia is not only an extension to the human intellect, but also an intuitive extension to the use of artificial intelligence. For that reason, Aivia can also be interpreted as the AI via GIGABYTE.
GHOST™ Macro Engine is the hardware/ software
combination pack. It features programmable chip
with onboard memory on the hardware and drag-and-drop macro editing function on the software. GHOST™ Macro Engine allows gamers to pre-define and switch between keys or buttons easily for the latest PC gaming titles