Constructing the Brain of a Self-Driving Car

Success Case

Constructing the Brain of a Self-Driving Car

GIGABYTE’s High Density Servers Help Technology Innovator Develop Algorithm for Autonomous Vehicle.
Global Autonomous Vehicle Boom: Core Knowledge You Should Never Ignore

Tech Guide

Global Autonomous Vehicle Boom: Core Knowledge You Should Never Ignore

GIGABYTE’s GPU Servers Help Improve Oil & Gas Exploration Efficiency

Success Case

GIGABYTE’s GPU Servers Help Improve Oil & Gas Exploration Efficiency

GPU-accelerated servers are used in industries such as oil and gas exploration to deliver powerful computing capabilities, helping to quickly and accurately analyze large and complex data sets to reduce exploration costs. GIGABYTE uses industry-leading HPC technologies to provide customers in the oil and gas industry with GPU-accelerated servers that deliver top-tier computing performance.
Moonshine Animation Applies Cutting-Edge AI & VDI Technologies with GIGABYTE HPC Servers

Success Case

Moonshine Animation Applies Cutting-Edge AI & VDI Technologies with GIGABYTE HPC Servers

Satisfying Your Need for Speed:  Server Technology Helps to Achieve Aerodynamic Vehicle Design

Success Case

Satisfying Your Need for Speed: Server Technology Helps to Achieve Aerodynamic Vehicle Design

A world-renowned automotive manufacturer uses Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulation software, analyzing huge amounts of data to optimize the design of their vehicles. They selected GIGABYTE’s high density multi-node servers to build a high-performance computing cluster for their vehicle design center, making the most efficient use of the limited space available to deliver maximum computing power to their aerodynamic engineering team.
As Good as Gold – High Performance Computing Accelerates Oil Extraction

Success Case

As Good as Gold – High Performance Computing Accelerates Oil Extraction

High Performance Computing (HPC) can complete complex and large-scale computational analysis workloads in a relatively short amount of time, bringing about many breakthroughs in scientific and technological development. HPC is also an indispensable tool for contemporary scientific research, and the number of fields that it can be applied to is constantly growing, such as for weather forecasting, earthquake imaging or genetic analysis. Even oil extraction can now rely on HPC to improve process efficiency and accuracy, allowing mining companies to save a huge amount of money and giving them a greater competitive advantage in the energy market.
GIGABYTE Rack Servers Overcome the Challenges of Financial Big Data

Success Case

GIGABYTE Rack Servers Overcome the Challenges of Financial Big Data

The application of technological innovation to the financial industry has made the availability of information channels for investors ever more extensive. Investors want to keep their finger on the pulse of global finance, whether it is the price of stocks or futures in important financial markets, or receiving the most immediate financial news available. When processed by GIGABYTE’s Rack Servers, this huge and complex amount of data can be swiftly and systematically analyzed before being immediately transmitted and presented, helping people in the financial industry make more accurate decisions and seize more profitable opportunities.
GIGABYTE Servers Become Part of the German Aerospace Center’s Data Center

Success Case

GIGABYTE Servers Become Part of the German Aerospace Center’s Data Center

When the German Aerospace Center (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, abbreviated as DLR) wanted to expand their data center, they searched for servers that could operate smoothly in an ambient temperature of 40°C without the need for air conditioning. GIGABYTE’s server team provided a solution from its High Density Server product line that combined computing, storage, and connectivity in a single system. The High Density Servers are equipped with liquid-cooling technology to run without a hitch in high-temperature environments, enabling the data center to efficiently process an enormous amount of space-related research data in the limited space available.
5 Must-Know Technical Terms Before You Choose Data Center Cooling Solutions


5 Must-Know Technical Terms Before You Choose Data Center Cooling Solutions

6 Key Knowledge to Build the Power of Computing for Your Business


6 Key Knowledge to Build the Power of Computing for Your Business

Digitalization is the first strategy in technology for today's enterprises to stay ahead of others. To develop core business and conduct daily operations, enterprises need IT systems and computing power to store, process, manage and analyze the large amounts of data generated and collected every day. This guide will take you from understanding the relevant definitions of data centers to the functions of servers that are often deployed in modern popular technologies such as high performance computing (HPC), 5G, and artificial intelligence (AI).
3 Easy Steps to Choose the Right Server Cooling Solution


3 Easy Steps to Choose the Right Server Cooling Solution

The Best Solution for Pursuing Server Performance and Business Sustainable Development


The Best Solution for Pursuing Server Performance and Business Sustainable Development